What the icons stand for... |
 Composer Birthdays |
 For Young People |
 Books, CDs and Tapes |
 Quotes and Fun Facts |
 MIDI Files |
 Listening |
For Children and Teens 
Cool Kids
Some things are just Too Cool For Grownups. A place where kids can find things that are both entertaining and educational. Like finding out about extraordinary people or playing a space physics sim game. And teachers can find "neat" resources, too.
Disney Song Lyrics
Disney movies aren't complete without the soundtracks that accompany them. Although this site is visually bare, it has a good collection of lyrics from about 20 Disney movies. From classics such as "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" to recent releases such as "Tarzan," you'll find the words to most of your Disney favorites here.
Educational Toybox
PBS Kids relaunches with a toybox full of new features and content -- including trivia, jokes, songs and stories written by children across the nation.
Fantasia 2000
Disney's update of it's movie Fantasia opened on New Year's Day 2000. It has 7 new scenes set to classical music, as well as some of the old. This site has many features including locations of IMAX theaters where Fantasia 2000 is showing.
News items from the Web about Fantasia 2000
From the Top
Young Musicians From the Top is a weekly radio series that seeks to showcase the nation's most exceptional
pre-college-age classical musicians. The young musicians are selected from a nationwide talent search.
HTML Help for kids
Lissa Explains it All Want to make a Web page? Lissa is 13 years old so she's well suited to explain web making and graphic design to kids.
Kididdles: MoJo's Musical Mouseum
The lyrics to nearly 2,000 children's songs are cataloged at this extensive, well-organized site. Browse through an alphabetical list of the song titles, search by keyword or pick a type of song - such as a lullaby or a tune about an animal. Each entry lists the song's writer, and some include an audio file of the song. Visit Lookin' for Lyrics to post requests or contributions to a list of lost childhood ditties.
Kids' Almanac
Kids have a cool new reference source at the aptly named Kids' Almanac. Brought to us by infoplease.com, the site also includes handy word-of-the-day and today-in-history features.
Mama Lisa's World
Start your kids learning about other cultures and languages with help from this collection of children's songs from around the world. Pick a country from the A~Z listing, or start with a broader continent~by~continent list. There are English translations for songs from other languages, and many songs include basic piano renditions of the melodies as well. For American classics, connect to Mama Lisa's House of Nursery Rhymes through the Mama Lisa's Pages icon at the bottom of the homepage.
The Mudcat Cafe for Kids
The Mudcat Cafe for Kids provides animated stories and instructions for building instruments.
Muppets From Space
Kids enter an animated world when they join the Muppets from Space. The site features animated characters, music and interactive games. Or send a Muppet E-greeting to a friend.
Muppets In Cyberspace
When the weather outside gets frightful, and the kids are not very delightful, send them into cyberspace. Specifically, that sector of cyberspace where the Muppets hang out.
PBS Kids! Karaoke
PBS Kids! Karaoke is a place for singers, songwriters, and
dancers. You can sing solo, or gather the family for a music
festival. You can show off your talents by performing songs you
wrote. And if you won't wake the neighbors, turn up the volume
on your speakers and dance, dance, dance!
Prince Of Egypt
The new movie Prince of Egypt is billed as an animation treat. It translates nicely to the Web -- with story line, behind-the-scenes feature and music -- and helps us appreciate Flash 3 plug-in technology.
The Road to El Dorado
Pictures, comments, cast listings and more from the new movie The Road to El Dorado can be seen here.
Schoolhouse Rock Lyrics
Thanks to ABC's Schoolhouse Rock, a generation of Americans can sing the virtues of grammar, multiplication, science and U.S. history. The legislative process is a little bit clearer, we understand the magic of the number three and we know the function of a conjunction. Choose between the high- or low-graphics version based on your Internet connection speed, then launch into an impressive collection of the lyrics, sights and sounds from the classic '70s Saturday morning series of animated shorts.
Sesame Street Lyric Archive
Sesame Street celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, and this wonderful site preserves the three decades' worth of incredible music the show has produced. Scroll down the homepage through the exhaustive song list. Some lyrics sheets are accompanied by audio files. If you have a favorite muppet - Elmo, Big Bird, the Count, Bert, Ernie, Cookie Monster, Grover and Oscar are all here - pick its name for a list of songs that it performs.
Teen.com Reading Cafe
Teenagers express themselves at this online gathering place through personal journals and original poetry about life and love. Pearls of Wisdom includes inspirational quotes and words of advice. In addition to sharing their thoughts, teens can participate in polls and surveys, voice their opinions and get a few laughs. The umbrella site, Teen.com, offers chat and message boards in Hang Out, as well as homework help and soap opera updates.
Composers and musicians now have their own page!
Classical Composers
Classical Composer Database
Limited biographical information - helpful links.
Classical Composer Pictures
Classical Composers
Grouped by nationality. Many have pictures and music samples.
Classical MIDI Archives, The
A good place to search for composer information.
Classical Net
Lots of music information.
Meet the Composer
Creative interviews for kids. Children travel back in time. The background music is by the composer whom they are "interviewing".
Just for Fun 
Capt. James T. Kirk Singalong Site
Hear Kirk Sing
If you have never had the opportunity to hear Mr. Shatner
sing, well, now you do. "That is if you call it singing." So
says the Capt. James T. Kirk Singalong Site. Bring along a
dilithium crystal (a.k.a., RealPlayer plugin).
Cool Quiz
What do music trivia, mystery movies, wacky words and unknown tunes all have in common? They're all part of this entertaining Cool Quiz site.
Fantasia 2000
Disney's update of it's movie Fantasia opened on New Year's Day 2000. It has 7 new scenes set to classical music, as well as some of the old. This site has many features including locations of IMAX theaters where Fantasia 2000 is showing.
News items from the Web about Fantasia 2000
How DVDs Work
DVDs are rapidly replacing video tape because of the clear
picture and amazing sound. If you would like to learn more
about DVD disks and players, this article contains a ton
of useful information!
Kiss This Guy: Archive of Misheard Lyrics
If you thought The Beatles were singing "the girl with colitis goes by," you'll find company here. Named after a bungled version of Jimmy Hendrix's "Purple Haze" ("'Scuse me, while I kiss this guy..."), this humorous site lists close to 1,800 misheard lyrics from various artists. Among our faves: "Michelle, my bell, some day monkey play piano song, play piano song."
Musical Greetings
Speaking of music ... MP3 sounds hit the e-postcard scene. Send a free greeting -- for the holidays or Y2K -- with appropriate tunes. You can choose from a wide range of cards and songs.
Virtual DJ
You may not be a DJ but you can pretend you are at the Scratch Simulator. Turntables, mikes and even spotlights obey your webified commands. A fun toy to play with.
Alternative Music
Get a glimpse into the future of live music presentation at a site that combines sounds, images and text in a user-friendly, interactive format. Live @ io is an online documentary of Detroit's alternative music scene.
Amazon Tunes
Amazon.com steps into the free music scene, with downloads of audio clips from the likes of Lyle Lovett, Randy Newman and others. The Liquid Audio and MP3 players are free to download, too.
BBC Online
BBC Online
The Celtic Cafe
Get a daily dose of Lord of the Dance Michael Flatley at the Celtic Cafe, which spotlights Celtic-inspired music and dance. The site devotes a special section to Irish folk dancer Flatley, but it covers much more than that. You can read articles about artists and writers, check tour dates for Celtic shows and performing companies and join other fans in the chat room to talk about all things Irish
Click Tunes
Tunes.com invites you to join what it calls the Web's most active music community. Sample music by clicking on it. From Nina Simone to Jimi Hendrix. Membership is free.
Dedicated Online Tunes
You don't have to hang on until a radio DJ decides to play a dedicated song for you. Now eDedication lets the Web do it. You can select from some 400,000 audio clips and have them automatically e-mailed. It is the only place on the Internet where you can dedicate a song clip to someone you love, hate, admire, congratulate or whatever. This site hase over 400,000 hit songs in our library and are adding new songs every week. Dedicating a song to someone is as simple as sending an email. Music enhances emotion, triggers memories, re-captures moments in time; its how we associate events in our lives.
Fairfax Symphony Orchestra
The Symphony is
hailed as "one of the
finest regional orchestras
in the country" by the
New York Times.
Fairfax County's flagship
arts organization for the
past forty-three years,
the Symphony performs
numerous educational
and outreach concerts
and its cornerstone, the Classic Seven Series, which is presented
at George Mason University's Center for the Arts.
From the Top
Young Musicians From the Top is a weekly radio series that seeks to showcase the nation's most exceptional
pre-college-age classical musicians. The young musicians are selected from a nationwide talent search.
Global Music Network
Opera king Plácido Domingo joins the Global Music Network and serves up an aria for online listeners. Live events and interviews, along with jazz and classical clips.
Interactive Jazz Voice
Jazz Online Presents promises exclusive on-demand Internet video of jazz artists. The aim: Create a new interactive voice for jazz.
Internet Underground Music Archive
With all the new interest in online music, it might be time to revisit a site that justifiably describes itself as the "granddaddy" of music Web sites. The Internet Underground Music Archive expands on its community roots.
Jazz Review
Quick reviews of the latest jazz releases, audio clips and a "jazzography" section of artists on film. Jazz Review is eager to show you why it is that jazz makes the world go 'round.
The Kennedy Center
King FM98
Lycos RichMedia
RichMedia Search
Speaking of online sounds, Lycos RichMedia makes it easy to search cyberspace for them. Along with images and video clips. A Search Scrub feature helps filter out adult content.
Lyric Splash
The McLean Orchestra: Great Music Right at Home
MIT List of Radio Stations on the Internet
Radio Station Directory
So many radio stations have Webified their broadcasts that it's hard to keep track. But the MIT List of Radio Stations on the Internet helps, with a searchable database of more than 9,000 stations.
MP3 Music Guide
MP3now.com aims to be a one-stop guide to the world of a revolutionary music format. With news, downloads, charts and technical info.
The Mudcat Cafe
Fans of blues and folk music will want to make a stop at this online cafe and magazine. Jump into the active forums to discuss blues artists, lyrics, chords, folk tunes and other musical subjects. Plus, you can read blues news and articles ("Did Robert Johnson Sell His Soul?") and listen to music online. You can find some rare folk recordings in the Mudcat Record Shop.
MusicMatch Jukebox
Free Music Player
If digital sounds are music to your ears, give your ears a treat with the latest version of MusicMatch Jukebox. The free, downloadable player boasts high fidelity, high quality and high speed.
My MP3
Your Online Tunes
You no longer have to be sitting by your old CD player to listen to favorite tunes. Beam-It lets you listen to them wherever you have a Web-connected computer. A beta program so you may experience bugs, but it's a
free download to play around with.
A New Jazz World
The new Jazz World aims to appeal to music fans and artists alike. Not only are up-and-coming artists featured, but musicians and vocalists can also set up their own Web pages.
National Public Radio (NPR)
PHAT, Free Music Player
Free Music Player
PHAT is a free downloadable music player that lets listeners tinker with their favorite MP3 files with dual mixing capabilities -- meaning enthusiasts can download songs from the Net, re-mix them and create custom presentations.
Public Broadcasting (PBS)
Radio Drama
The finest radio drama of the 1930's was the Mercury Theatre on the Air, famous for its notorious War of the Worlds broadcast. Relive some of those thrilling productions from yesteryear.
Shenandoah Valley Music Festival
Sony's Music 100 Years, Soundtracks for a Century
Musical Riches
Sony's Music 100 Years, Soundtracks for a Century takes you on a multimedia tour through everything from jazz to pop to country to classical. Exactly the kind of thing the Web was built for.
Sound Storage
Tired of cluttering up your hard drive with a growing collection of sound files? Mp3 Storage provides up to 50 Megs of online space for you to keep them digitally handy. And you can trade them with friends. Registration is free.
Spinner.com is the first and largest Internet music service. They offer more than 100 channels of free professionally programmed music.
Tunes & Words
Rioport.com describes itself as the online source for fresh digital audio. Featured clips in tunes and words.
The WGMS playlist for today
The William Ransom Hogan Archive of New Orleans Jazz
Our Hogan
Jazz Archive
is a renowned
resource for
New Orleans
Jazz research.
Our collection
includes oral
and film, and sheet music and orchestrations. We also maintain
files of manuscripts, clippings, and bibliographic references.
In addition to vintage and contemporary books and periodicals,
our reference shelf includes discographies and encyclopedias in
our patron area. Special collections include notable donations
from jazzman Nick LaRocca, Ray Bauduc and Knocky Parker.
WNYC, New York City Radio
AM820 / 93.9FM
The most listened-to public radio station in America check out their excellent program lineup. Excellent variety,
intelligent announcers
and over all interesting music. Listen online or check out each day's playlist.
National Public Radio News
Magazines and Publications 
The Celebrity Cafe
Interviews with your favorite Actors, Authors,
Supermodels, Musicians, Singers, Writers,
Athletes, Broadway Stars and more...
Music Journals and Magazines, Newspapers and Periodicals
Piano & Keyboard
The magazine for the 21st-century pianist.
House of Musical Tradition
The House of Musical Tradition has acoustic music, instruments,
accessories, and books from around
the world & around the block -
specializing in rare and exotic
When I show visitors to my studio my hand-made dulcimer, I can proudly say that I made it from a kit purchased at
The House of Musical Tradition.
Young Chang
MIDI and MP3 Music 
Classical MIDI Archives, The
A good place to search for classical MIDI files.
To Favorite MIDI Sites
Free Tracks
Free Tracks provides just what the name says -- tracks of music, in both Real Jukebox and MP3 versions. A long list that ranges from blues to jazz to pop.
Harmony Central
MIDI Tools And Resources
How MP3 Files Works
For many people, MP3 files are totally changing the way they
collect and listen to music. If you have ever wondered how
MP3 files work or how you can get started downloading, playing
and even creating your own MP3 files and CDs, then this article
will amaze you!
MIDI Institute
J&J OnLine in cooperation with Computer Music Products, created The MIDI Institute in order to educate the Minister of Music in the area of MIDI. The classes are conducted using three Internet tools:
- The Web Page
- Chat Room
- Mailing List
The beginner's class, Introduction to Computer Music and MIDI, is offered free of charge.
Michael's MIDI
Multimedia Search
As Internet bandwidth grows, StreamSearch may be what next-generation portals look like. A search engine that specializes in audio and video clips, in a variety of player formats.
PHAT, Free Music Player
Free Music Player
PHAT is a free downloadable music player that lets listeners tinker with their favorite MP3 files with dual mixing capabilities -- meaning enthusiasts can download songs from the Net, re-mix them and create custom presentations.
Time Traveler's Guide to Music History MIDI disks

Experience music's evolution through the melodies and stories of it's masters.
- Each chapter contains informative text on a time period and repertoire from that period
- Fascinating and fun "Did You Know?" anecdotes entertain while they teach
- Colorful, animated cartoons and illustrations bring music history to life
- With a general MIDI keyboard you can play each selection using an historically acurate instrument sound
Winamp is a high-fidelity music player for Windows 95/98/NT that supports MP3 and other audio formats. And it's now free.
Wired Planet
Wired Planet is an editorially-driven, independent music Web Site.
- Streaming mp3 music stations for you to listen to (like radio, only better)
- Free mp3 music downloads
- In-depth artist interviews, bios, photos, and listening stations
- A cool new interactive streaming mp3 desktop application
Music Education Sites 
Alfred Publishing Company (Music)
America's Jazz Heritage
America's Jazz Heritage is a ten-year initiative to research, preserve, and present the history of jazz through exhibitions, performances, recordings, radio, publications, and educational programs at the Smithsonian and across the nation.
Includes sound clips.
Canadian PianoPage
Classical Music for Families
Find a Music Teacher
Looking for a music teacher?
We have thousands of listings for music teachers all
across the United States.
Search by location and
instrument to find a teacher
who is right for you. You'll be
making contact with the
teacher of your choice in no
O'Connor Music Studio Listing
Forte Music Schools
An Introduction to New Orleans Jazz
The Julliard School of Music
MIDI Institute
J&J OnLine in cooperation with Computer Music Products, created The MIDI Institute in order to educate the Minister of Music in the area of MIDI. The classes are conducted using three Internet tools:
- The Web Page
- Chat Room
- Mailing List
The beginner's class, Introduction to Computer Music and MIDI, is offered free of charge.
Mr. Note's Gameland
The Games: - The first game Mr. Note created is Mr. Note's Finale. It is a board game where the
object is to get to the end of the board. But you must know musical notation in order to win!
- Mr. Note's Quiz Page has a lot of quizzes designed by actual music teachers!
- Mr. Note's Musical Notation Puzzles are fun little puzzles involving musical notation signs.
- Hang the Music Teacher :)
Great fun!
Music Education Launch Site
Music for Young Children
Music Magic
A site that is solely devoted towards the education and learning of every aspect of the piano.
Music Staff, The
Music Teachers National Association
Music Theory Exercises
Interactive music theory exercises. Requires a Java-enabled web browser.
Music Theory Questions
Test your music theory skills
Personalized Practice Organizer
Online Conservatory
An online piano lesson is a
live one-on-one piano
lesson that takes place over
the internet. This
breakthrough in music
education allows a student
in one part of the world to
take a music lesson from a
music teacher living in
another part of the world.
Online Music Instruction
The Online Music Instruction home page is designed to teach you some of the basics of music
theory, and give you an opportunity to test your knowledge of music.
There are three levels of skill:
- Intermediate
- Advanced
Online Music Lessons
The Net Music School brings online interactivity to music lessons. Try out a free guitar and piano lesson with the beginner in mind, but bring along or download a no-charge Macromedia Flash plug-in.
On-Line Piano Lessons
The Piano Education Page
The Piano Education Page ~
Listening List and Composer Source
A list of important piano repertoire that we feel most piano students should become familiar with at some point in their studies. You should always follow the advice of your piano teacher as to the repertoire that is appropriate for you and your level of skill, but hearing this music is important in getting a basic overview of some of the important elements of the piano literature. We think you'll find that your piano teacher will be supportive of your listening to these works.
Piano on the Net
(Find a) Private Teacher
Music Graphics 
Jazz Scene Photos
The Library of Congress presents a collection of more than 1,600 photographs of celebrated jazz artists. The photos document the jazz scene from 1938 to 1948, primarily in New York City and Washington, D.C. Search by name, subject or keyword.
MU64's Music Graphics
Music Graphics Galore
Music-Related Graphic Images
Adiemus Unofficial Home Page
The Adiemus Unofficial Home Page is the original, and most comprehensive, site on
the Internet devoted to the British "new age" ensemble. It lists Adiemus-related
information/resources, and has discussions of Adiemus and their music with people literally from around the
(Armstrong) Louis Armstrong Online
A Web site, created with the help of the Louis Armstrong Archives, offers audio selections of Armstrong's
Beatles Retro
Through photos and essays, Life brings us to "Places we Remember" in the collective life of the Beatles. There's also a guide to records and a pretty challenging Trivia quiz.
Blues Artists
The Blue Flame Cafe is an interactive biographical encyclopedia of the great blues singers. A quick scrolling menu lets you browse a rich list of artists.
The Boston Symphony Orchestra
This Orchestra also includes The Boston Pops Orchestra and the Tanglewood Music Center
News Item about Boston Symphony Hall
The Canadian Brass
Celebrating their 30th Anniversary in 2000These are the men who put brass music on the map: with their unbeatable blend of virtuosity,
spontaneity and humour, they brighten the rosters of concert halls, international festivals and orchestra
series throughout the world.
Their numerous recordings, frequent television appearances and tireless efforts in the realm of music
education have resulted in vast new audiences for the Art of the Canadian Brass.
Catalogue of Classical Composers
The Chicago Symphony
Columbus Symphony Orchestra (Georgia)
Founded in 1855 by Mendelssohn's student, Herman S. Saroni the
Columbus Symphony Orchestra became the third orchestra formed in
the United States. The symphony disbanded during the Civil War and
both World Wars, but always reorganized during times of peace. In 1949
the organization as we know it today was formed and has performed for
50 consecutive years. The CSO has been a professional orchestra since
the late 1970's and employs as many as 90 musicians for any given
concert. Long recognized as one of the Southeast's finest musical
ensembles, the CSO currently performs at the Three Arts Theatre. As
the CSO begins a new century of orchestral excellence it anticipates the move into its new home in the
RiverCenter for the Performing Arts in 2001.
Kennedy Center Millenium Stage
Live performance starts every night at 6 p.m. Eastern Time.
The Internet broadcasts are currently available in Real Video format.
software is available for free at the Real Networks web site.
There are two options for viewing live performances: one for 28.8 kbps modems, and
another for 56k modems or better. You should select the option that best matches the
speed of your Internet connection.
The schedule of performances is listed on the Calendar page. Archives of past shows are available at Kennedy Center Millenium Stage.
Otto Klemperer, conductor
La Scala
Teatro alla Scala, the world famous opera house's official web-site! Lots of useful information
(calendar, history, news, biographies, pictures audio and video)
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
The London Symphony OrchestraLSO Discovery aims to bring the Orchestra and its music to the widest possible audience, and to
encourage participation in music-making. As part of the programme, LSO musicians work alongside
people of all ages and abilities in a variety of creative music projects and workshops, talks and
study days, coaching and teacher training sessions. Through the Discovery programme, more than
25,000 people come into contact with the LSO each year. LSO Discovery has established an
international reputation and has become a model for orchestral education programmes worldwide.
The National Symphony Orchestra
The New York Philharmonic
Under the leadership of Kurt Masur, its Music Director since 1991,
the Philharmonic has launched a series of new initiatives including Rush
Hour Concerts, Saturday Matinee Concerts, Composer Week,
Conductor Debut Week, Children's Promenades™ and Philharmonic
Forums. Each year, the Philharmonic performs approximately 170
concerts for live audiences of nearly one million and appears on "Live
From Lincoln Center" television broadcasts which are seen by combined
audiences of more than 15 million.
Online Music Awards
The 1999 Online Music Awards will be held next month in New York City. But you can already check out the hyperlinked nominees. Or cast your own vote for a "People's Choice" award -- in categories ranging from pop to country to R&B
The Philadelphia Orchestra
The Three Tenors
Two Pianos, Four Hands
Music Resources 
The Alexander Technique for Musicians
The Alexander Technique is a means for changing habits and improving coordination. The Technique can have
great benefits for musicans dealing with excess tension, stress or pain problems and for musicians wanting to
enhance performance skills and expression. The Alexander Technique is included in the curriculum of a number of
conservatories and university music departments. This site features informative articles and links to resources for
Carolina Culture Connection (Classical Music Links)
Classical Music Resources
Whether you're looking for a backgrounder on music from the late medieval period or accordion music from Germany -- or just about anything in between -- you'll likely find it at the Classical Music Resources. Brought to us by the Duke University Libraries.
Classical Music Resources bills itself as the most
comprehensive collection of classical music resources on the
Web. You'll find links to nearly 2,000 non-commercial
pages/sites in more than a dozen languages.
Creative Ideas for Teaching Piano
Creative Ideas for Teaching Piano
History of the Piano/Inside the Piano
History of the Piano with Pictures
History of the Piano/1157-1999, with pictures
A History of the Piano from 1709 to 1980, with pictures
Hotlinks (MTNA)
House of Musical Tradition
Links (Suarez Piano Studio)
Music Analysis
Music Analysis for everybody. Let's become Beethoven and learn how to compose a masterpiece!
Musical Heritage Network's Instrument Encyclopedia
A great encyclopedia of musical instruments - This site shows how over 140 instruments from different
cultures, performance contexts and materials relate to one
another. Be sure to listen to the sound of a Tejano accordion!
Music Education Launch Site
Musicians and Injuries
Music Teacher's Resource
(Introduction to) Music Theory - Online
An introductory music theory course in ten chapters. Designed for AP high school music students and entry level college students. Fundamental music concepts. Very interactive.
(Practical) Music Theory
A web site dedicated to the study of music theory. English/Spanish
Online Music Dictionary
Piano Internet Resources List
PianoNet (National Piano Foundation)
Piano Parlor
Piano Pedegogy Forum
Piano Technicians Guild
The Red Hot Jazz Archive
The Red Hot Jazz Archive is dedicated to the history of jazz before 1930 -- a time when virtuoso musicians may not have been able to read music but thrilled audiences with the spontaneous music they created.
Teacher Tidbits
William and Gayle Cook Music Library at
Indiana University School of Music
American Guild of English Handbell Ringers
(Barbershop for men) SPEBSQSA:
Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of
Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America
Barbershop harmony is about fellowship, fun and
making music that makes you feel alive. Find a chapter
near you and give it a try.
(Barbershop for Women) Sweet Adelines International
Music Teachers National Association
Northern Virginia Ragtime Society
Northern Virginia Ragtime Society Promoting an interest in classical ragtime and related forms of music;
membership information, past and upcoming concerts.
The Northern Virginia Ragtime Society (NVRS) was founded in December 1979 for the purpose of promoting an interest in
classical ragtime and related forms of music. Over the intervening years, the NVRS has presented more than one hundred
twenty-five performances featuring some of the leading professional ragtime artists as well as top local musicians.
Since it's inception, the NVRS has performed on a bi-monthly or quarterly basis at the Jordan Kitts Studio, in the Merrifield area
of Fairfax County, Virginia.
The Northern Virginia Ragtime Society is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization, and is also a member of the Arts Council of
Fairfax County, Virginia.
Information about NVRS events will be posted on this Web-site in addition to the mailings.
Piano Technicians Guild
History of the Piano
Styles of music
Piano and Music Software Reviews 
The O'Connor Music Studio has a copy of Cakewalk for any student who wishes to try it out.
Make your own kind of music
Sonic Foundry's Acid Style
Voyetra Turtle Beach
The O'Connor Music Studio has a copy of several Voyetra Programs for any student who wishes to try them out.
Piano and Music Software Reviews
Sheet Music 
American Sheet Music, 1870-1885
Dale Music
Carl Fischer Music
Frederick Harris Music
Mel Bay Music
Musical Notes
Download sheet music for thousands of the world's
most popular titles directly to your PC. The first page is
free. For music lovers, installation of a plug-in is worth
the effort. And audio is included.
Music Sheets
The Library of Congress provides another fine online resource with a new American Sheet Music site. Thousands of pieces of sheet music registered for copyright during the post-Civil War era. Search by author, title or subject.
Myklas Music
Piano Teacher Press
Retail Print Music Dealers Association
Schirmer Music

Many thanks to
Dearest for everything!