Composers from Amazon.com's Get Started in Classical:
J.S. Bach
This is from
Amazon.com's Get Started in Classical.
Magnificat is a gemlike masterpiece that displays the composer's many-sided
genius The attitude of Johann Sebastian Bach
(1685-1750) toward writing music was one of straightforward industriousness;
indeed, the sheer bulk of his compositional legacy suggests something more like
the efficiency of a factory than the struggles of the suffering artist. And
yet, while churning out enormous quantities of music for his livelihood, Bach
created masterpieces in every form he touched: these rank among the towering
achievements of Western music and continue to evoke the deepest responses.
Bach's sacred music, which accounts for a major portion of his output, is a
good place to start. The Magnificat in particular contains many hallmarks of
the composer's art. Its text is based on a passage from Luke in which Mary
expresses her joy at the Annunciation: a recurrent formula for composers since
the Renaissance, much like the countless paintings of the subject that are
ubiquitous in art history. Bach here employs the fullest orchestra available to
him and distributes the vocal writing for a five-part chorus as well as five
soloists. There is constant variety among the 12 brief sections of the
Magnificat to hold your attention, as textures shift from full choral settings
to numbers for the soloists. The effect is rather like a mosaic, in which this
variety is bound together in a unified, satisfying whole. Listen to the rush of
joy in the very opening (track 10), as Bach pulls out all the stops with
trumpets, timpani, and a rhythmic momentum that sets the pulse bounding. Bach
is a master of expressive word painting: he illustrates and magnifies the
meaning of the words in the musical shapes he uses to set them. Again, the
Magnificat abounds in examples, such as the echo-like repetitions and layering
of the chorus in "omnes generationes" (track 13) to suggest the proliferation
of generations, or the plummeting descent of the tenor aria on "deposuit" ("he
hath put down the mighty" [track 17]). Bach produces extremely memorable
effects with the most economical means, as in the oboe's tender accompaniment
to the soprano in "quia respexit" (track 12) to suggest the simultaneous
innocence and rapture of Mary herself. On this recording you'll hear the kinds
of instruments and techniques that would have been used in Bach's time, along
with a relatively small chorus. Conductor J. Reilly Lewis strikes an ideal
balance between the orchestra and voices, which is important to articulate the
many strands of undulating melody that combine in Bach's style. Everything here
is substantive: try to listen away from the most obvious top line and follow,
for example, the bass to hear the richness contained in each component of the
musical whole. Johann Sebastian was born into a family that had already made
its mark as musicians for several generations, and a number of his own children
went on to become famous musicians--proof if ever there was for a genetic
aspect to musical talent. This recording opens with a Magnificat setting by his
eldest son, Carl Philipp Emmanuel, whose
fame during his lifetime eclipsed that of his father. The pairing allows for
some intriguing comparisons: just one generation later than J.S. Bach's dense,
richly wrought textures (the "baroque" style) comes a simpler, leaner sound
that would be a crucial source for what is known as the classical style in the
music of Haydn and
Mozart. And yet there are traces of the
past, and of the father's influence, in some of C.P.E. Bach's magnificent fugal
passages. This is a particularly vivid example of the constant flux and
evolution of styles that occur throughout music history.
May, Classical Editor
More Bach can be found in
Musical Information,
Recommendations for Adults,
Recommendations for Children and the
Listening Center
List of Composers
O'Connor Music Studio Recommendations
lists Books, CD's, Cassette Tapes, Computer Programs, Music Scores DVD's, Videos and more
from amazon.com, as well as several other sources.
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programs, games and toys, click here for some ideas.

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